跟骨骨刺即跟骨骨质增生,是临床上的常见病及疑难病,作者采用小针刀配合艾灸疗法治疗跟骨骨刺 42例,并与单独使用小针刀治疗的 28例作对照观察,结果发现小针刀加艾灸法治疗跟骨骨刺疗效明显高于单纯使用小针刀组,且前者治疗次数短。两组的治疗效果与发病时间的长短有密切关系,即发病时间越长,小针刀加艾灸法较之单用小针刀越能奏效。
Calcaneus spur is a commonly encountered disease in clinic and is a difficult disease to cure. The authors treated 42 cases by acupotomy and moxibustion, compared with 28 cases only treated by acupotomy, and found that the effect treated by acupotomy and moxibustion is better than that only treated by acupotomy, and the former course of treatment was shorter. The report also showed an inverse relationship between the therapeutical effect and the course of disease, the course of disease was longer, the effect treated by acupotony and moxibustion was better than that treated only by acupotomy.
Acupuncture Research