
古代汉语词类活用研究 被引量:1

A Study on Flexibility in the Use of Old Chinese
摘要 古代汉语里存在着大量的词类活用现象。词类活用主要是实词的活用,并且往往是其他类的实词活用为动词。从词性方面来看词类活用,主要有名词用作动词,形容词用作动词,数词用作动词。从用法方面来看词类活用,主要有名词、形容词、数词活用为一般用法的动词,名词、形容词、数词活用为使动用法的动词,名词、形容词、数词活用为意动用法的动词。另外,古代汉语里动词也有使动用法。谈词类活用,应该注意这么几个问题:词语"本用"与活用的辨别,一般用法与特殊用法的辨别,特殊用法与特殊用法的辨别等。 There is such a phenomenon in old Chinese,which words categories are used flexibly.Flexibly used words mainly means flexible using of noun words.From the perspective of part of speech,nominal nouns are mainly used as verbs,adjective are used as verbs,numerals are used as verbs.From the perspective of usage,nouns,adjectives,numerals are used as general usage of verbs.Nouns,adjectives,numerals are used as special usage of verbs,such as: predicate verb never mean subject’s action,con-trarily,it means to let object do something,and another special usage of verbs is that predicating verb how object will be.In addition,verbs in the old Chinese are specialy used as the categeory which let ob-ject do something.Talking of usage of word category,several problems should be paid attention to: the identification of the original usage and lexical usage of words;the identification of general usage and special usage of words;the discrimination of special usages.
作者 赵月华
出处 《台州学院学报》 2010年第4期54-57,66,共5页 Journal of Taizhou University
关键词 古汉语 词类 活用 条件 用法 研究 Old Chinese Word categories flexibly usage conditions usgages research
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