
早熟厚皮甜瓜新品种白元首的选育 被引量:1

A New Melon F_1 Hybrid—— Baiyuanshou
摘要 白元首是以新MW为母本、MW-2为父本配制而成的早熟厚皮甜瓜一代杂种。全生育期95d左右,果实发育期37d左右。果实椭圆形,果形指数1.22;成熟果实果皮白色,平均单果质量1.4kg,最大2.3kg;果肉厚度3.5cm,中心可溶性固形物17%,肉质脆而多汁,口感风味俱佳;耐贮运。适于西北地区露地和全国各地春季保护地栽培。 Baiyuanshou is a early mature F1 hybrid melon developed by crossing the new MW as female parent and MW-2 as male parent.The fruit matures 95 days from sowing and 37 days from pollination.The average fruit weight is 1.4 kg with oval shape(shape index 1.22)white shin.The flesh thickness is 3.5 cm,and soluble solids content is 17%.The variety is good for storage and transportation.It is suitable for production in the open field in northwest areas and protected production throughout China in spring.
出处 《中国瓜菜》 CAS 2010年第5期25-26,共2页 China Cucurbits And Vegetables
基金 天津市育种专项(05YFGZNC01304)
关键词 厚皮甜瓜 新品种 白元首 一代杂种 早熟 Muskmelon New variety Baiyuanshou F1 Hybrid Early Maturity
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