
环境对尿不湿边角料/聚乙烯复合材料的材色影响 被引量:1

Effect of Environment on Color of the Diapers Scrap/PE Composite
摘要 研究了阳光曝晒环境、户外自然干湿环境、氙灯耐气候老化箱三种环境对于两种尿不湿边角料/聚乙烯复合材料颜色的影响。结果表明,两种新型木塑复合材料在三种环境中都发生了褪色现象,影响了材料的美感和顾客的喜好程度;三种环境中,对材料颜色影响最大的是氙灯耐气候老化箱,其次是户外自然干湿环境,最后是阳光曝晒环境;添加着色剂的红色材料的颜色变化在任何一种环境下都小于未添加着色剂的白色材料的颜色变化,表明颜料能有效地减少褪色的降低。 The effect of the sun environment,the dry and wet environment outside,and the xenon weathering resistant box environment on the color of the two diapers scrap/PE composite was studied.Results showed that,the color of two WPCs fade in the three kinds of environment,and affected their appearance and preference of the customers.The effect of the xenon weathering resistant box environment on the color was largest,followed by the dry and wet environment outside,and finally the sun environment.The color changing of the added red coloring agent was less than that of the white which did not add coloring agent in any environment,which showed the coloring agent can reduce color fading remarkabley.
出处 《塑料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期72-75,85,共5页 China Plastics Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:30871968) 苏北技术创新引导资金(项目编号:BN2008054)
关键词 尿不湿边角料/聚乙烯复合材料 阳光曝晒环境 户外自然干湿环境 氙灯耐气候老化箱 褪色 Diapers Scrap/PE Composite The Sun Environment The Dry And Wet Environment Outside The Xenon Weathering Resistant Box Environment Fade
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