
利率政策中调整存贷利差的效应分析——以中国为例 被引量:4

The Analyzes of Adjusting Deposit-loan Spread——Take China for Example
摘要 存贷利差是利率结构理论的一个重要内容,也是银行业赖以生存和发展的"经济基础"。利率政策中存贷利差的调整必然会对商业银行的绩效和行为产生影响,进而对实体经济产生影响。会产生什么样的影响,又该如何应对这些影响,也就成了本文所需探讨的主题。本文通过分析存贷利差调整的原因,进一步探析存贷利差调整对商业银行的行为以及对实体经济的影响。 Deposit interest rate structure theory is an important content of the banking,survival and development of "economic basis".Interest rate policy adjustment will also spread to the performance of commercial banks,and influence on the real economy.What the effect will be,and how to deal with these effects,we also need to discusse in this paper.By analyzing the reasons,the adjustment of commercial bank and the behavior of economic entities,we aim to explore the influence of commercial Banks and the real economy.
作者 张莉莉 谢康
出处 《天津市财贸管理干部学院学报》 2010年第3期18-21,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Institute of Financial and Commercial Management
关键词 存贷利差 商业银行 实体经济 deposit interest commercial banks entity economy
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