

On the Succession of Land Contractual Management Right
摘要 当前,关于土地承包经营权继承争论的症结主要有两个方面:一是没有区分现行土地承包经营权与改制后的土地承包经营权,二是没有认识到土地承包经营权继承流转与其他流转方式的区别。现行家庭土地承包经营权肩负着社会保障功能,人身性没有涤除,又鉴于中国人多地少的实际国情,因而不应当也不能够继承。要根本解决问题,就应当消除家庭土地承包经营权的人身性,有三条路径可以选择:一是维持现行家庭土地承包经营权不变,国家对无地的农村人口给予与家庭土地承包经营权人相当的社会保障;二是维持现行家庭土地承包经营权分布现状不变,但变无偿享有为有偿享有,集体用向家庭土地承包经营权人收取的利益来维护全集体所有成员的社会保障;三是彻底涤除家庭承包经营权的社会保障功能,由国家负担农村集体所有成员的社会保障。从当前中国实际来看,第二种路径最易实现。 Land Contractual Management Right is a kind of right for Chinese peasantry to possess and manage their land. On Succession of Right to Land also, it is the embodiment for every farmer to hold his land Contractual Management of Chinese Rural Areas. However, because enacting and promulgating our Succession Law took place long time ago, during which there exists the dispute about character of Land Contractual Management Right, and the difference on the mode of transferring of Land Contractual Management Right of Real Right Law, a lot of problems are worth researching in this field. For example, Land Contractual Management Right could be inherited as inheritance or could not. And what is more, whether succession will become a form of transferring of Land Contractual Management Right is a problem. Given the Chinese actual conditions, Land Contractual Management Right, which personal nature does not wash away, shouldering social security function, should not be inherited. To fundamentally solve it, the personal nature of Land Contractual Management Right should be eliminated. The state offers social security equal to the value of Land Contractual Management Right, charge the cost of Land Contractual Management, or the State bears the social security of all rural collective members. Viewing from the current realities in China, the second path is most easily implemented.
作者 王玉成
出处 《河南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第3期41-47,共7页 Journal of Henan University of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
关键词 土地承包经营权 继承 社会保障 land contractual management right succession social security








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