

Research on Temperature Experiments of In Vivo Tissue Irradiated by Pulse CO_2 Laser
摘要 为了研究脉冲CO_2激光功率、工作时间、间歇时间和脉冲个数对活体组织温升的影响,以不同脉冲激光参数进行分组实验,每次实验同时记录三路温度信号:表面辐射温度、皮下1mm的组织温度和环境温度。获得了组织表面最高温度与激光参数的线性回归方程,表面最高温度与激光功率和工作时间正相关,与间歇时间负相关,与脉冲个数相关性很小,实验值和回归值相关系数为0.988,组织内部最高温度的变化范围很小,说明激光脉冲输出方式可以使温升限于治疗局部,避免周围组织受到热损伤。组织表面和内部温度上升时间与激光照射时间的相关系数分别为0.983和0.993。实验结果能够很好地反映组织温度与脉冲激光参数之间的关系,可为脉冲激光治疗提供实验指导,并用来验证相关理论模型和数值模拟结果。 In order to study impact of pulse CO2 laser power, working time, idle time and pulse number on the in vivo tissue temperature rise, different pulse laser irradiation parameters were used in grouping experiments, each recorded three-way tem- perature signals: surface radiation temperature, endermic lmm tissue temperature and ambient temperature. The linear regres- sion equation of the tissue surface maximum temperatures and laser parameters was received, the surface maximum temperatures are positive related to laser power and working time, negative related to the idle time, and little related to pulse number. The correlation coefficient of experiment and regression values is 0. 988. The internal maximum tissue temperature change is small, which shows laser pulse output mode can limit the temperature rise to the treatment local and avoid surrounding tissue thermal damage. Tissue surface and internal temperature rise time and laser irradiation time correlation coefficients are 0. 983 and 0. 993 respectively, experiment results can well reflect the relationship between the tissue temperatures and laser parameters, provide experimental guidance for pulse laser therapy, and used to verify relevant theoretical models and numerical simulation results.
机构地区 西南科技大学
出处 《应用激光》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期348-351,共4页 Applied Laser
关键词 组织温度测量 脉冲CO2激光 活体组织 相关性 tissue temperature measuring pulse CO2 laser in vivo tissue correlation
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