8Commission of the European Community, Brussels, 27.5.2009, COM(2009) 252. final, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/L xUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri= COM:2009:0252:FIN:EN:PDF.
3Regulation EU No. 1093/2010, 1094/2010, 1095/2010, art. 8.
4Schoenmaker, Dirk and Sander Oosterloo (2007). "Cross-border is- sues in European financial supervision",in David G. Mayes and Geoffrey Wood(eds.), The Structure of Financial Regulation,Lon- don: Routledge.
5See Goodhart, Charles A. E. and Dirk Schoenmaker, Burden Sharing in a Banking Crisis in Europe, Sveriges Riksbank Economic Re- view,Vol. 2,2006,34-57,39;Schoenmaker,Dirk,The Financial Trilemma,SSRN Working Paper,December 2010, <http://papers.ss- rn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id= 1340395>, 2.
6Council Directive 92/30/EEC of 6 April 1992 on the supervision of credit institutions on a consolidated basis [EB/OL]. http://folk.uio. no/olavt/direktiver/en_392L0030.sht ml.