
溶液pH值对直接沉淀法制备CaF2纳米粉体的影响 被引量:4

Influence of pH Value on CaF_2 Nanopowders Prepared by Direct Precipitation Method
摘要 以Ca(NO3)2和KF为原料,采用直接沉淀法制备CaF2粉体,借助XRD、SEM、粒径分析方法研究了溶液pH值对产物CaF2粉体晶粒尺寸、颗粒大小及分布的影响,结果表明,在碱性条件下所得CaF2沉淀的晶粒尺寸比在酸性条件下所得CaF2沉淀的小,溶液pH值为13.7时,制备出晶粒大小仅20nm的CaF2纳米粉体。 CaF2 powders were prepared by direct precipitation method using Ca (NO3)2 and KF as raw materials.With XRD, SEM, particle size analysis methods, the influences of pH value on the grain size, particle size and distribution of CaF2 powders were investigated.The results showed that the grain sizes of the CaF2 precipitations prepared in alkaline condition were smaller than that prepared in acidic condition.when the solution pH value was 13.7, the grain size of the prepared CaF2 nanopowders was 20 nm only.
出处 《纳米科技》 2010年第4期32-35,39,共5页
基金 武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室基金项目(200901)
关键词 PH值 氟化钙 纳米粉体 pH value fluoride calcium nanopowders
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