
中美高校理科教师两种科学认识论内在关系的实证研究 被引量:1

Empirical Research on Relationships between Two Kinds of Scientific Epistemology Held by Chinese and United States Science Teachers in the University
摘要 科学认识论是国外科学教育领域的热点问题,其中教师对科学本质和科学探究的认识作为两个核心议题成为研究的主体,对科学课程的理论和实践产生重要的影响。本研究考察和比较中美高校理科教师两种科学认识论之间的关系,利用混合研究并行法,通过科学本质问卷VNOS-D和科学探究问卷VOSI-S以及随后的深度访谈,对中美来自于上海和芝加哥各100位大学理科教师展开调查。研究结果表明,中美高校理科教师两种认识论处于不同的阶段和类型,其因果性不同,类型之间也存在国别内部的相关性,因此我国高校教师教育也有相对应的特征。 Scientific epistemology is a hot spot in international science education research,and teachers' views of nature of science and scientific inquiry are the two important topics,which are the principal part of research and influencing the theory and practice of science curriculum.The purpose of this study was to compare Chinese and United States science teachers' views relationships of NOS and SI.This mixed methods study involved 600 secondary science teachers,300 from Shanghai and 300 from Chicago,and they were asked to fill out Views of Nature of Science–Form C(VNOS-D) and Views of Scientific Inquiry-Form S(VOSI-S) questionnaires,along with their interview responses.This investigation indicated that science teacher's views were at different stages,categories and causality,therefore,teacher education of our country should have its corresponding characteristics.
作者 王晶莹
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期114-120,共7页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
关键词 科学认识论 科学本质 科学探究 VNOS-D VOSI-S scientific epistemology nature of science scientific inquiry VNOS-D VOSI-S
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