
浅析石油污染土壤的微生物修复研究现状 被引量:11

Analysis of Microbial Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil
摘要 土壤环境中存在的石油类污染物破坏生态系统,危害人体健康。采用微生物法修复石油污染土壤成本较低、效率高并且不会产生二次污染。本文结合了国内外最新研究成果,介绍了土壤中石油污染的来源、危害及防治对策,并在此基础上重点阐述了土壤石油污染微生物修复研究现状、微生物降解石油的机理以及修复过程的影响因素,讨论了这一技术的发展趋势及运用前景。 Petroleum products in soil environment have caused serious damages to natural ecosystems and threats to human health. Petroleum pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems in the world, Microorganism remediafion is now a promising way to treat oil - polluted soil, because of its low cost, high efficiency and less possibility to generate second - pollution. This paper reviews the off - pollution source, harm and the treatment technology. The focus of this review is to present the mieroorganic remecliafion at home and abroad, including vari- ous remediation methods, degradation mechanism, influencing factors in order to reflect the whole study situation in this area. In addition, the future of this technology is also discussed.
出处 《贵州科学》 2010年第3期76-81,共6页 Guizhou Science
基金 贵州省优秀科技教育人才省长专项资金项目(黔省专合字[2007]86号)
关键词 土壤 石油污染 微生物修复 影响因素 soil, oil polludon, microorganism reserve, influencing factor
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