

The Dilemma of Export Rebates
摘要 6~8月间,深圳科士达、浙江永强、厦门蒙发利三家上市企业分别发布招股说明书,随即便被媒体算出了各自的利润账:2007~2009年,深圳科士达出口退税额占利润总额比例大多超过3成,而浙江永强与厦门蒙发利两家的出口退税额占利润总额甚至超过了100%。由此,一场关于"三家企业过度依靠出口退税过日子"的质疑甚嚣尘上。几乎同时,7月15日,取消钢材、有色金属加工材、化工产品、玻璃及制品等406个税号出口商品退税率的新政策正式施行。这是自2008年下半年以来,我国首次下调出口商品退税率。退税率下调的闸门正在被打开,企业因"依赖症"的轻重而反应各异。对于政策运用,也出现了不同的声音。 In July 2010, the Chinese government cancelled the export rebates for four categories of commodities, including iron and steel, glass, pesticides, and rubber. This is the first reduction of export rebates since the second half of 2008. The policy adjustment influenced 406 kinds of products.This may be a great shock to many enterprises."Sixty percent of our company’s total output will be influenced. We will lose RMB 7,200,000 in twelve months," a glass firm manager from Tsingtao said. And Han Qing, head of a Tangshan-based steel factory, said that his company would reduce its output in response to the impact of the new policy. The new policy may be a deathblow for the companies which are heavily dependent on export rebates. The export rebates account for approximately 1/3 of some firms’ total profi ts. It was reported that some companies in East and Southeast China receive export rebates that exceed their total profi ts.Many insiders take the government’s action as a sign that it has turned its main economic goal from stimulating exports tolimiting them in the long run. Some argued that this would be a great stimulus to improve the country’s economic structure and would spur enterprises to invest more in R&D. But others thought the policy would have negative side effects. Ma Yu, an expert from the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce, worried that the frequent changes in export rebates would embarrass firms.
机构地区 商务部研究院
出处 《中国海关》 2010年第9期20-23,12,共4页
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