电影融合了历代文学艺术之大成并结合先进的科技手段发展成为当代的主要艺术传播手段和媒介之一。古琴艺术是中国文人音乐的代表,是儒家文化宣传的雅乐正音,也体现了道家淡泊名利,大音希声的自然朴素观,承载了中国传统文化的精髓,但这一已有3 000多年发展历史的非物质文化遗产却数经坎坷,曾经辉煌,盛极一时,也曾经一度落为边缘小众艺术,淡出世人视线。年轻的电影艺术和古老的古琴艺术的联姻为承载和传播传统音乐艺术提供了新的平台和途径,通过大众传播媒介来展示古琴艺术,宣扬琴道思想,开创了继承传播中国传统艺术之新路。
There is always a leading and unique form of literary art in different epoch,the film has become chief means for contemporary artistic in the area of communication media,which combines the heritage of successive dynasties some advanced scientific and technological means.Guqin Music delegates the essence of Chinese traditional culture.The marriage of young film and ancient Guqin music provides a new platform and approach to inherit Guqin Taoism and spread Chinese traditional art.
Journal of Minjiang University