
传统产业集群与知识集群的比较研究:基于全球化视角 被引量:1

A Comparative Study of Traditional Industry and Knowledge Clusters from the Perspective of Globalization
摘要 在经济全球化和知识经济迅猛发展的背景下,传统的产业集群模式已越来越不适应快速变化的市场环境,而知识将成为区域经济发展最具战略性的资源,知识和能力的集群将成为未来经济发展的主要模式。本文在回顾现有产业集群文献的基础上,深入分析了传统产业集群模式所面临的困境,接着对传统的产业集群理论进行拓展,从全球化的视角引入知识和能力集群概念,探讨传统产业集群与知识集群的差异,研究知识和能力集群的基质空间和运作机制,以期能够对我国目前产业集群的发展提供有益的借鉴。 Under the background of economic globalization and the rapid development of knowledge-based economy,the traditional industry clusters are not adaptable to the fast-changing market environment;knowledge will become the most important strategic resources in the development of regional economy,and the clusters of knowledge and ability a major mode of future economic development.Based on the review of the literature on industry clusters,this article analyses the difficulties facing the traditional industry clusters,develops the theory of traditional industry clusters and then discusses the difference between traditional industry and knowledge clusters.Finally,it analyses the operating mechanisms of knowledge clusters and makes positive suggestions in developing China's current industrial clusters.
作者 钟祖昌
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2010年第4期28-31,37,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 广东省哲学社科"十一五"规划课题(项目编号:090-24) 广州市哲学社科"十一五"规划课题(项目编号:08Y35) 广东外语外贸大学校级"211工程"重点学科建设项目 广东外语外贸大学2008年度校级青年项目的资助
关键词 产业集群 知识集群 运作机制 知识创新 industrial cluster knowledge cluster operating mechanism
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