马来班顿(Pantun Melayu)是长期、广泛流传于东南亚各国并深受群众喜爱的一种四行体民歌,押的是abab韵,每首四句,每句四言,前两句为比兴句,后两句才是表意,在句式、韵律与赋比兴等艺术表现手法等方面与中国四行诗的民歌体完全一致。不论是《诗经》还是班顿,都毫无例外的大量采用鸟、兽、草、木、虫、鱼等来作比起兴,创造出美妙绝伦、寓意深刻的意象,这些意象与稻作文化,以及"万物一体"、"天人合一"的思想是密切相关的。任何一个民族的民歌格律都是该民族语言、文化、审美情趣的历史积淀,是鉴别民歌的民族属性的可靠尺度,因此将中国民歌同马来班顿的格律进行比较研究,对了解相关民族的文明史、交往史、文化史、文学史等等,都有极大的参考价值。
Pantun is a poetic form in Malay,popular among Southeast Asia.In its basic form the Pantun consists of a quatrain which employs an ABAB rhyme scheme.The Pantun is a four-lined verse.The first two lines serve the metaphoric or analogical purposes,and the last two lines express really the central idea.The Malayan Pantun extremely resembles Chinese four-line folk songs in terms of structure,rhythm,and metaphoric and analogical expressions.The comparative analysis of the two reveals that both classic Chinese folk song and Malayan Pantun start with the metaphoric or analogical use of all sorts of animals and plants to create beautiful and meaningful images.These images would represent the idea of harmony between man and nature.By comparing Chinese folk songs with Malayan Pantun,we can better understand the civilizations,historic exchanges,cultures,and literatures of China and Southeast Asian countries.
Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies