
我国跨境教育的现状与监管体系构建的路径选择 被引量:8

The Status Quo and Route Choice of Construction of Quality-supervision System for Cross-border Education in China
摘要 当前,跨境教育已成为我国教育事业的重要组成部分,但在国内高等跨境教育快速增长的同时,也出现了缺乏规划,被动接受境外质量标准;质量监管体系缺位,未能发挥有效的监控作用;政府引导不足,办学主体与社会中介组织缺乏社会责任感等问题,加快建设我国跨境教育质量监管体系势在必行。制定战略规划,构建监控机制,完善监控体系;积极参与国际跨境教育质量监管体系建设,提升我国教育质量监管对跨境教育的影响;强化办学主体的社会责任和义务,加强中介组织自律建设,培养消费者权益自我保护意识,是我国跨境教育质量监管体系建设的现实选择。 Currently, cross-border education has become an important part of education in China. However, with the prompt development of cross-border education, there are some problems as follows: the lack of planning has led to the passive acceptance of foreign quality standard; the absence of quality supervision system has failed to play the role of supervision efficiently; the weakness of government guidance has led to the absence of social responsibility of school running subjects and social intermediary organizations. Therefore, it is a crucial necessity to boost the supervision system of cross-boarder education in China. So, we should constitute strategy plan, construct supervision mechanism, improve supervision system; positively participate in the construction of quality supervision system of international cross-boarder education and boost the influence and role on cross-board education in China; reinforce social responsibility and obligation of school-running subject and strengthen construction of self-regulation of the intermediary organization, foster self-protection awareness of the rights and interests of consumers. All of these are the realistic choices to construct the quality supervision system of cross-board education in China.
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9期95-100,共6页 Educational Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究2007年度规划资助课题"中国跨境教育质量风险评估体系研究"(课题编号:07JA880039)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 跨境教育 质量问题 监管体系 cross-border education, quality issue, supervision system
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