大脑皮质内部的联系神经束,对于大脑皮质之间的信息传递担任非常重要的角色.传统的语言模型理论提出人类的2个主要语言中枢分别位于大脑皮质的左侧额下回的布罗卡区域(Broca’s area,BA44andBA45)以及颞上回处的维尼基区域(Wernicke’s area,BA22),而联系这2个区域的纤维束,也就是弓状束(arcuate fasciculus).另外,近期研究也发现下顶叶(inferior parietal cortex,BA39and BA40)在语音处理历程具重要性.扩散磁振造影(Diffu-sionMRI)可以提供大脑白质精细的组织结构,配合神经径路追踪(tractography)便能撷取出复杂的神经纤维连结路径.该研究利用扩散磁振影像中的高夹角分辨率扩散磁振造影(high angular resolution diffusion imaging)与神经径路追踪技术,呈现与语言相关的大脑机率神经连结路径(probabilistic language pathway).
Neuroanatomical connection is crucial to the understanding of brain function.The language anatomical model proposed that Broca’s area located in the inferior frontal lobe and Wernicke’s area located in the superior temporal gyrus,both were connected through the arcuate fasciculus,which functions in fast,automatic word repetition.Furthermore,the supramarginal gyrus has been highlighted the importance for phonological processing in recent neuroimaging studies.Diffusion MRI is a non-invasive technique for in vivo measurement of microstructural properties of brain white matter.Integrated with fiber tractography algorithm,there can be visualized the three-dimensional (3D) pathways of white matter tracts.The aim of this study is to visualize the corticocortical connection of language areas in the human brain via high angular resolution diffusion imaging and tractography.
Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance