
面向安全评估的CTCS-2列控系统安全性测试环境 被引量:1

Safety test environment for safety assessment oriented CTCS-2 train control system
摘要 高速铁路CTCS-2列控系统是典型的安全苛求系统。根据安全苛求系统的特点,针对高速铁路CTCS-2列控系统的安全性测试和评估需求,设计了场景—事件驱动的测试脚本语言SED_TSL,提出了高速铁路CTCS-2列控系统测试环境的功能、系统框架、测试策略,实现了基于SED_TSL的CTCS-2列控系统自动化测试环境,并投入到铁道部的CTCS-2列控系统产品制式检测中,有效地实现了列控系统产品的功能与安全性测试。 The CTCS-2 train control system of high speed railway is a typical safety-critical system.In term of the characteristic of safety-critical system and with analyzing the requirements of safety test and evaluation of the CTCS-2 train control system of high speed railway the test script language-SED_TSL was designed which driven by scenarios and events.Then the functions system architecture and test strategy of the test environment for the CTCS-2 train control system of high speed railway were proposed the automatic test environment of CTCS-2 train control system based on the SED_TSL was implemented.The automatic test environment was used for standard testing of the product in the train control system and implementing effectively the functional and safety test of the product of train control system.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期2181-2184,2188,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60674004) 铁道部科技研究开发计划资助项目(2008X003-A 2009X002-A)
关键词 高速铁路列控系统 安全苛求系统 安全性 安全性测试 train control system of high speed railway safety-critical system safety safety test
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