
Web应用安全监测系统设计与应用 被引量:6

Design and applying of web application security detecting system
摘要 针对Web应用的攻击种类繁多、变化多样,基于静态规则库的旧的防护体系已经很难适应当前Web应用安全的新状况,提出了将无指导学习方法与合法规则检测模型相结合的Web应用安全防护新思路,设计了基于Web应用结构分析和流程分析的安全监测算法,并进行了系统实现。实现的Web应用安全监测系统现已应用于清华大学网络学堂,很好地实现了对Web应用访问请求信息的安全分析与监测。 Attacks towards web applications evolve rapidly,traditional web protecting system based on static rules is difficult adapt to the new situation of web application security.A new idea and method are proposed to protecting web application security,which uses unsupervised learning algorithm and legal rule detecting model.Web application security detecting algorithm based on the structure and progress analysis of web application is designed and implemented.The system has been used on detecting of Tsinghua web learning system,done well on filtering the abnormal web accesses out.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第17期3760-3762,3811,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家科技支撑计划重点基金项目(2006BAK11B00)
关键词 WEB应用安全 Web应用安全监测 Web日志安全分析 无指导学习 合法规则监测 web application web application security web application security detecting web log security analysis unsupervised learning legal rule detecting
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