1Banco de Mexico(1995),The Mexico Economy,1994 and 1995,Mexico City.
2Caivo,Guillermo(1994) ,"Comments"Brookings Papets on Economic Activity,No.1,PP. 298-303.
3Dornbusch ,Rudiger ( 1993 ) ,"Mexican Competitiveness and NAFTA", US House of Representatives, May 20,1993.
4Espinosa Marco and Steve Russell ( 1996), "The Mexican Economic Crisis:Alternative Views, "Economic Review,Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 1996,Jan./Fed, PP. 21-44.
5Whitt,Joseph Jr. (1996)"The Mexico Peso Crisis,"Economic Rrview,Federal Reserve Bank of Atlaota,1996 Jan./Fed. PP. 1-20.
6Williamson,John (1993)"Exchange-Rate Policy in Mexico,"US House OF Representatives May 20,1993.