
上海市餐厅顾客吸烟与被动吸烟状况及对餐厅禁烟立法态度 被引量:4

The status of smoking and passive smoking customers in Shanghai and their attitude to restaurant-smoking legislation
摘要 目的了解上海市顾客在餐厅吸烟与被动吸烟情况,调查顾客对餐厅禁烟立法的态度,分析实施餐厅禁烟政策对顾客就餐行为的可能影响。方法采取分层随机抽样方法,对上海市黄浦区5类餐厅(大型中餐厅、中小型中餐厅、休闲西餐厅、快餐厅和咖啡厅/酒吧),每类餐厅随机抽取20家餐厅进行调查,共计100家餐厅的961名顾客参加问卷调查(包括30.5%的吸烟者)。结果 72.7%的吸烟者曾在餐厅吸烟;90.7%的非吸烟顾客在餐厅就餐时遭受过被动吸烟。在遭受被动吸烟时,41.0%的顾客选择默认接受;55.8%的非吸烟者会有意识选择无烟座位;仅有11.4%的顾客对《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例(草案)》非常了解;66.0%的顾客赞同上海市所有餐厅禁止吸烟,39.4%的调查对象表示餐厅禁烟立法实施后会提高外出就餐意愿。结论上海市餐厅顾客的吸烟与被动吸烟情况比较严重,吸烟行为很少受到劝阻,大部分顾客对《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例(草案)》了解不够,但普遍支持餐厅禁烟立法。立法后顾客外出就餐意愿总体上增加。 Objective To know about the status of smoking and passive smoking restaurant customers in Shanghai,their attitude to restaurant-smoking legislation and analyze the effect to the customers by executing the smoking ban policy.Methods A random sample of 961 customers from 100 restaurants was selected to participate in the face to face interview.Results There were 72.7% smokers smoked in the restaurant;90.7% customers suffered secondhand smoke(SHS) during dinner.When suffered the SHS,there were 41.0% customers acquiesce,55.8% non-smokers would choose the non-smoking seats on purpose.There were only 11.4% customers knew the content of 《smoking control ordinance on public places in Shanghai》;66.0% customers supported all the restaurants completely smoke-free in Shanghai,39.4% customers indicated that they would have more intention to dine out after the smoking ban policy works.Conclusion Smoking and passive smoking were serious among customers in Shanghai.Smoking is rarely be dissuaded.The majority of customers knew little about the new smoking ban legislation,but most of them supported it and were willing to dine out more often.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2010年第9期679-682,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 上海市黄浦区2009年度科技攻关计划项目(HGG-28)
关键词 吸烟与被动吸烟 顾客 餐厅禁烟立法 Smoking and passive smoking Customer Restaurant-smoking legislation
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