
欧盟“东部伙伴关系”计划评析 被引量:3

Analysis of the EU's Eastern Partnership
摘要 2009年5月出台的"东部伙伴关系"计划,是欧盟为适应扩大进程后新的外部环境的政策产物,是继实施南下战略后欧盟往东部方向推行其邻国政策的一项具体部署。计划的基本架构主要是以提升与东邻国家间的合作关系为战略目标、以高层级的会议形式为运作机制、以双边与多边合作为活动内容。在计划酝酿、出台及实践的过程中,欧盟内部成员及利益相关方所表现出来的不同立场与反应明显,其博弈将影响该计划未来实践的成效。另外,在将其与欧盟扩大政策相联系的同时,本文还指出,必须注意到邻国政策的差异性和双边性特征。 Following the Strategy of Southern Expansion,the Eastern Partnership declared by the European Union on May,2009,was a specific arrangement aiming at better adapting to the new external environment after European expansion.It consists basically of the strategic goal of improving partnership with its eastern neighbors,the operative mechanism characterized by high-level conferences,and bilateral & mutual cooperation.During the formulation and implementation of this plan,the EU members and other stakeholders are seen to hold different positions,which may undermine this plan's future success.This paper argues that this plan is relevant to European expansion,and at the same time,the variance and bilateral feature of the policies of neighboring countries should be taken into consideration.
作者 徐刚
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期25-31,共7页 International Forum
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