
安乐死、自杀与有尊严的死 被引量:9

Euthanasia,Suicide,and Death with Dignity
摘要 The issue of death with dignity has been usually understood in the scope of the issues of euthanasia.But properly construed,the concept of dignity,when applied to the issue of death,has its own scope that does not have a particular connection to the concept of euthanasia.Dignity pertains primarily to a deontological concern of individual autonomy and thus is independent of the utilitarian concern of reducing pain and suffering,and so dignity defense can justify not only some forms of life-ending of the "terminally ill" in a hospital setting,but also some cases of suicide apart from any medical consideration. The issue of death with dignity has been usually understood in the scope of the issues of euthanasia.But properly construed,the concept of dignity,when applied to the issue of death,has its own scope that does not have a particular connection to the concept of euthanasia.Dignity pertains primarily to a deontological concern of individual autonomy and thus is independent of the utilitarian concern of reducing pain and suffering,and so dignity defense can justify not only some forms of life-ending of the 'terminally ill' in a hospital setting,but also some cases of suicide apart from any medical consideration.
机构地区 中山大学哲学系
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9期95-100,共6页 Philosophical Research
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