记述了条螽属一新种郑氏条螽 Ducetia zhengi 新种; 首次描述了施氏条螽 Ducetia strelkovi Gorochov 的雌虫。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。
This paper describes a new species of the genus Ducetia from Sichuan Province, D.zhengi sp.nov., and the female of Ducetia strelkovi Gorochov from Hainan Province for the first time. The type specimen is deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University. Ducetia zhengi sp.nov.(Figs. 1~6) This new species is close to Ducetia spatula Ragge and Ducetia strelkovi Gorochov, but differs from the former in the male subgenital plate and the latter in the male cerci.The new species also differs from them in the form and venation of male tegmina. Female: unknown. Length of body ♂ 15 0 mm; Length of pronotum ♂ 4 0 mm; Length of tegmina ♂ 28 0 mm; Length of hind femur ♂ 23 0 mm. Holotype ♂, Ningnan, Sichuan, August 5, 1992. Collected by Shi Fuming. Ducetia strelkovi Gorochov, 1993(Figs. 7~9) The female of Ducetia strelkovi Gorochov is similar to the female of Ducetia japonica (Thunberg) and Kuwayamaea chinensis (Brunner), but differs in:(1)Tegmina not reaching the end of hind femur; (2) The length of female ovipositor more than two times the length of pronotum. Length of body ♀20 0~20 5 mm; Length of pronotum ♀5 0 mm; Length of tegmina ♀24 0~24 5 mm; Length of hind femur ♀25 0~26 0 mm; Length of ovipositor ♀12 0~13 0 mm
Acta Entomologica Sinica