
305例甲型H1N1流感患者流行病学和临床特征分析 被引量:1

Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 305 novel influenza A ( H1N1 ) cases
摘要 目的分析我院收治的305例甲型H1N1流感患者的流行病学和临床特征,为进一步控制疫情提供依据。方法对我院2009年6月1日~2010年1月31日收治的305例甲型H1N1患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果305例患者中,男性占56.72%。轻症患者平均年龄为20.04岁,重症患者平均年龄为35.16岁。学生占42.17%。病毒潜伏期中位数为2天(1~7天)。最常见的主要临床表现为发热(占91.3%),其次为咳嗽(占79.1%)、咽痛(占62.3%)、咳痰(占38.0%)和乏力(占51.1%)等,部分隐性感染者,无任何症状。胸部x线表现为肺纹理增强、模糊和肺炎表现。结论发病人群以青壮年为主,中老年易罹患重症,男性多于女性,高发人群为社会活动活跃、相对集中人群如学生等。甲型H1N1流感病毒感染者体内存在多器官非特异性损伤。该病毒早期容易侵犯下肺。及时的胸部影像学检查,对于提示危重症的早期预警有重要意义。传统中药汤剂与达菲疗效相当。 Objective To review the epidemiologieal characteristics of novel influenza A (HI NI ), and investigate manipulation and prevention of novel influenza A (H1 N1 ) in the future. Meth- ods 305 cases of novel influenza A( H1N1 ) hospitalized in Beijing youan hospital from June 1. 2009 to January 31. 2010 were studied. Results Of 305 cases of patients,males accounted for 56.72% , students accounted for 42.17%. The average age of mild cases was 20.04, and of severe cases was 35.16 ,The median incubation period of the virus was 2 days ( range, 1 to 7 ). The most common symptoms were fever ( in 91.3 % of the patients) , cough (79.1% ) , sore throat (62.3%), sputum production (38.0%) and fatigue (51.1% ). Part of patients are silent infected. The chest X-rays showed intensive lung-markings or pneu- monia-like signs. Conclusions The infected people were mainly young adults,, and male was more than female. Middle-aged and old people were easily suffer from severe desease, people who lived together and usually joined in social activities were the high risk population, such as students. There were non-specific injuries of multiple organ in patients who were infected by influenza A H1 N1 virus. Virus could infect the lower lung field in the early time. So it' s very important to take a lung imaging test for prompt early warning of severe case. The efficacy bettewn Traditional Chinese medicine had the equal efficacy with osehamivir.
出处 《临床内科杂志》 CAS 2010年第9期614-617,共4页 Journal of Clinical Internal Medicine
关键词 甲型H1N1流感 流行病学 年龄 性别 Influenza A( H1 N1 ) Epidemiology Age Gender
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