
基于邻居节点数目的洪泛概率计算方法 被引量:1

Calculation of flooding probability based on number of neighbor nodes
摘要 概率洪泛路由协议中洪泛概率的确定多依赖于实验,缺乏理论性。在无线传感器网络中,应用概率洪泛路由时,每个传感器节点收发信息具有随机性,在合理假设下,将网络中信息传输过程建立为一个分支过程模型,利用分支消亡概率和节点产生后代概率的关系,给出一种基于邻居节点数目的洪泛概率计算方法,在此基础上提出一种动态概率洪泛算法,并以信息覆盖率与节点利用率的差值为标准评价了算法的性能。本方法较现有的其他方法对节点利用更加有效,且对节点要求低,适用于各种网络。 In probabilistic flooding protocol,flooding probability is determined by experimental examinations,lacking of theory basis. In WSN,each node sends and receives messages randomly when probabilistic flooding protocol was applied. Based on reasonable hypothesis,could establish the process of information transmission as a branching process model. Using the relationship between extinction probability and generation probability of the process,obtained a valid flooding probability based on the number of neighbor nodes in fixed probabilistic flooding,and proposed a dynamic probabilistic flooding protocol. Furthermore,evaluated the performance of the approach by difference between the coverage-rate and the usage-rate of the nodes. The proposed method is more effective than calculations existed,low requirement on the nodes and for various networks.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期3443-3445,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60874085,60974082) 综合业务网络理论与关键技术国家重点实验室专项基金(ISN02080003) 西安电子科技大学基本科研业务费(JY10000970012)
关键词 无线传感器网络 洪泛概率 分支过程 wireless sensor networks( WSN) branching process flooding probability
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