
知识产权保护与中国外贸发展:以高技术产品进口贸易为例 被引量:23

Intellectual Property Protection and Foreign Trade Development in China:The Case of High-tech Product Import Trade
摘要 本文使用引力模型和Pooled EGLS方法进行研究发现:(1)1995—2006年中国高技术产品进口并非取决于中国知识产权保护水平,而取决于增大的国家j市场规模、提升的中国人力资本质量等因素。(2)随机效应证实,国家或地区j与中国地理距离对中国高技术产品进口产生不利的影响,而共同边界和相同语言没有显著性影响。不过,Hausman检验表明,使用固定效应模型来估计是更加有效的。(3)1995—2006年韩国、日本、美国等24个国家高技术产品出口对中国知识产权保护水平反应不敏感,同期马来西亚、法国等20个国家反应敏感,说明加强知识产权保护对中国高技术产品进口的作用具有国别性差异。(4)温州经验表明,强的知识产权制度并非是经贸发展的基本前提,在不同发展阶段,拥有特定特征的国家或地区应追求不同的知识产权政策。对策是,中国可利用贸易回转效应、加强劳动力知识技能培训来促进高技术产品进口;中国应区分贸易国别,精细地选择知识产权保护水平,以寻求知识产权保护与经贸发展之间的平衡。 We use gravity model and Pooled EGLS method and find that:(1)China's imports of high-tech products during 1995—2006 do not depend on her intellectual property protection(IPP)level,but on the increasing market size of country j and the improvement of China's human capital quality.(2)Random effect model shows that the geographic distance has negative effect on China's imports of high-tech products,whereas the common border and the same language have no significant effect.However,the Hausman test shows it is more effective to use fixed-effect model to estimate.(3)During 1995—2006,the hightech product exports to China of 24 countries,such as South Korea,Japan,United States,are not sensitive to China's IPP level,while the exports to China of other 20 countries,such as Malaysia and France,are sensitive.That means the impact of strengthening China's IPP on her high-tech product imports varies with different countries.(4)The case of Wenzhou shows that a strong IPP system is not the premise of economic and trade development.Different IPP policies should be adopted by particular countries or regions in different development stages.Our proposals are that China should utilize trade recursive effect and strengthen the knowledge and skill training of labor force to promote her high-tech imports.China should distinguish the different trade partners and carefully choose her IPP level to seek a balance between China's IPP and economic trade development.
出处 《南开经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期135-152,共18页 Nankai Economic Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(项目号:07BJY012) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目基金(项目号:08JJD790138)的资助 复旦大学中国经济国际竞争力研究创新基地国际环境研究项目资助
关键词 知识产权保护 外贸发展 高技术产品 进口贸易 Intellectual Property Protection Foreign Trade Development High-tech Products Import Trade.
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