
中国三大都市圈核心城市职能分工及互补性的比较研究 被引量:53

Comparative Study of the Division of Labor and Its Complementarity in Three Major Metropolitan Regions of China
摘要 围绕核心城市组织的合理的区域分工体系是都市圈功能整合、和谐运作,发挥其空间组织优势的关键,而良好的区域分工往往以城市间职能的互补性为基础。采用对应分析方法,应用SPSS生成点聚图并计算反映职能互补性的统计量——总惯性,对1997年和2007年京津冀、长三角、珠三角三大都市圈核心城市的职能分工体系特征、格局以及职能互补性进行比较研究。结果显示,10a间各都市圈以服务业职能为主的一般化职能开始分化,高端服务业职能逐步由一般化职能转变为专业化职能,并且向都市圈的中心城市集中。工业制造业职能在京津冀和长三角都市圈由一般化职能转变为专业化职能,在珠三角都市圈刚好相反。同时,工业制造业职能的分工格局在三大都市圈表现出不同的变化趋势。分工体系特征反映出三大都市圈不同的分工格局,京津冀、珠三角表现出双中心结构的分工格局,而长三角则是单中心结构的分工格局。对核心城市职能互补性的分析显示,京津冀潜在的职能互补性在三大都市圈中是最高的,但是由于产业梯度过大、区域协调机制不够完善等原因,互补性优势并未得到很好的发挥。 Appropriate territorial division of labor established around core cities is the key for integrating function,operating harmoniously and promoting the advantage of stronger interaction between neighboring cities. Complementary urban functions among cities within the metropolitan region are regarded as the basis to such a well-operated division system. In this paper,the correspondence analysis is used to gain some graphs and a single statistic ( this statistic is called total inertial which can reflect the complementarity of urban functions) to analyze the differentiation and change of urban functions. The study investigates the features and patterns of the territorial division of labor in three major metropolitan regions of China,as well as their changes over time from 1997 to 2007,through these graphs and statistical data. The functional complementarity among cities of China' s three major metropolitan regions is also analyzed. The results show that the generalized functions of the three metropolitan regions are service functions which were differentiating,and high-end service functions were becom-ing specialized and concentrated into central cities over time. Manufacturing functions in the Beijing-Tianjin-He-bei region and the Yangzi River Delta region were becoming specialized. By contrast,these functions were generalized. At the same time,Changes in manufacturing functions in each metropolitan region are different,reflected by different spatial trends of manufacturing redistributions too. Different patterns of the territorial division of labor in each metropolitan region are found. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the Pearl River Delta region are characterized by the two-center pattern,while the Yangzi River Delta region is characterized by the monocentric pattern. The analysis of the total inertia of core cities shows that the potential complementarity of urban functions among cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is the best in three major metropolitan regions of China. However,such advantages are not fully taken mainly due to huge industry gap and the lack of a well-functioned regional coordination system.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期503-509,共7页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40671046) 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET06-0022)资助
关键词 都市圈 职能分工 互补性 metropolitan regions the division of labor complementarity
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