

Optimal space shift keying based on reconfigurable antenna
摘要 针对MI MO(multiple input multiple output)通信系统中SSK(space shiftkeying)调制中的码字选择问题,提出了基于可重构天线的SSK调制方法。分析了发送天线之间的相关性与SSK调制中码字选择的关系,进而通过可重构天线自适应地改变发送天线阵列来改变天线之间的相关性,使之与SSK调制的星座点选择相匹配,显著降低系统的误码率。仿真结果表明:在3GPP(Third Generation PartnershipProject)提出的SCM(spatial channel model)三种典型环境下,基于可重构天线的SSK调制方法的BER(bit to error rate)都低于同SNR(signal to noise ratio)下采用传统SSK调制系统的误码率,在高SNR下优势更明显。 For code selection of space shift keying(SSK)modulation in multiple input multiple output(MIMO)communication system,a novel SSK based on reconfigurable antennas modulation is proposed in this paper. The impact of correlations amongst the transmit antennas on code selection of SSK modulation is analyzed. The correlations amongst antennas are changed adaptively with reconfigurable antennas, in order to match the code selection of SSK modulation. With optimal code selection method, the system performance will be improved. Simulations are done under three typical environments of spatial channel model(SCM)proposed by the third generation partnership project(3GPP). The simulation results show that bit to error rate (BER) of SSK modulation based on reconfigurabte antennas is lower than that of traditional SSK modulation at the same signal to noise ratio(SNR), especially at higher SNR.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期658-662,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家973计划(No.2007cb310605) 863重点项目(No.2009AA011507) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.60772011 No.60972054) 天津市(No.09ZCKFGX01700)
关键词 空移键控 可重构天线 码字选择 多输入多输出 space shift keying reeonfigurable antenna code selection multiple input multiple output
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