
一种无刷直流电动机快速制动准确定位控制方案的设计 被引量:1

Design of a Control Scheme of Fast Braking and Accurate Location for DC Brushless Motor
摘要 介绍了一种新的无刷直流电动机快速制动准确定位的控制方案。该方案在电动机刹车制动时使电动机电源端短接,利用制动单元使电动机惯性所产生的电流在电动机内产生一个与惯性旋转方向相反的旋转磁场,从而在电动机内部产生较大的阻尼磁场,使电动机快速制动;当电动机断电制动时,由3个角位移传感器检测出电动机转速,根据转速的高低计算并确定电动机的启控位置,并传输到PLC,由PLC控制电动机在设计的位置完全停止,从而实现准确定位。实验测试结果表明,该方案准确、可靠。 A new type of control scheme of fast braking and accurate location for DC brushless motor was introduced in the paper.The scheme makes supply terminals of the motor shorting when the motor is in braking and uses braking unit to make current produced by inertia of the motor produce rotating magnetic field whose direction is contrary to rotating direction of inertia,so as to produce bigger damping magnetic field which can make the motor brake fastly.When the motor is in braking of power off,rotation speed of the motor is detected by three angular displacement sensors and starting control point of the motor is calculated and determined according to the rotation speed of the motor.The starting point is transmitted to PLC,then the PLC control the motor to stop at designed position,so as to realize accurate location.The result of experiment showed that the scheme is reliable and accurate.
出处 《工矿自动化》 2010年第9期62-64,共3页 Journal Of Mine Automation
关键词 无刷直流电动机 快速制动 定位 PLC DC brushless motor fast braking location PLC
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