Turn left or right? It is some painful indeed for YRC-JIA YU at the crossroads to make a choice.Affected by the financial crisis and the difficulties confronted during the operation of the company's headquarter,YRC has not carried out its good wishes that it would wholly-owned JIA YU.According to the announcement made by YRC and JIA YU in 2008,YRC will have acquired the last 35% shares of JIA YU with no more than 39,000,000 dollars by the end of 2010.Although the sale of YRCW did not affect YRC-JIA YU an d JH J Int er na tion al Transportation Co.(another joint venture company of YRC in China),yet its vitality has weakened,and,up to now,it has no time to attend its subsequent takeover of JIA YU.
China Logistics & Purchasing