Objective: To study CT findings and natural
history of splenic parenchymal complications in patients with pancreatitis. Materials and
Methods: Of 232 cases with acute or chronic pancreatitis, encountered in our institute during a
period of 7 years, 8 cases had splenic parenchymal complications diagnosed by CT. A
comparison study was made between the CT findings before and after the spleen was involved.
CT findings of splenic involvement in pancreatitis were retrospectively analyzed and correlated
with the clinical data. Results: Splenic infarction was found in 7 cases, demonstrating solitary
small lesion in 3, multiple small lesions in 2, massive lesion in 1, and diffuse lesions in 1
case. Subcapsular fluid collection was seen in 2 cases. The complications regressed or even
disappeared during conservative treatment. Pseudoaneurysm of splenic artery was
complicated in one case, which was ruptured and treated with embolization through catheter.
Conclusion: (1) splenic complications due to pancreatitis mainly occur in the course of
exacerbation of the disease; (2) CT is useful in detecting the complications and followup
observations; (3) most complications, especially infarction and subcapsular fluid collection, can
be managed conservatively; (4) splenic parenchymal complications tend to occur in patients
with pseudocysts at pancreatic tail; (5) contrast enhanced CT scan can show pseudoaneurysm
of splenic artery.
Journal of Clinical Radiology