
电泳技术在纳米颗粒分离中的应用 被引量:1

Application of electrophoresis in the separation of nanoparticles
摘要 合成纳米颗粒常在尺寸和形状方面具有广泛分布.在很多实验中,需要利用一定大小及形状的纳米颗粒的独特物理化学性质,因此,简便快速的纳米颗粒分离技术越来越受到诸多科学领域的重视.电泳技术以其高分辨率,被广泛用于多种生物大分子如核酸、蛋白质等的分离纯化.纳米颗粒在尺寸上与生物体中的蛋白复合物、细胞器和微生物等十分接近,考虑到带电纳米颗粒与生物分子在电场中的运动行为的相似性,运用电泳技术进行纳米颗粒的鉴定、分离和纯化是一种新的思路,并取得了良好的实验结果.本文主要介绍了琼脂糖凝胶电泳、毛细管电泳以及其他一些电泳技术在纳米颗粒分离中的研究进展. Synthetic nanoparticles often bear wide distribution in size and shape. However,it is critical to have nanoparticles with the lowest size and shape dispersion possible in many experiments for their unique size-and/or shape-dependent physiochemical properties. Therefore,quick and handy separation methods of nanoparticles have brought considerable attention in many scientific areas recently. Electrophoresis has been extensively used in the separation and purification of biological molecules such as nucleic acids and proteins with a remarkable resolution. The charged nanoparticles are very close in size to protein complexes,organelles and microorganisms,and share similarity in motion behavior with biological molecules in an electric field. It is a new idea to use electrophoresis technology for nanoparticles' identification,separation and purification,which has achieved favorable results. This review presents recent advances in the separation of nanoparticles by agarose gel electrophoresis,capillary electrophoresis and some other electrophoretic techniques.
出处 《中国科学:化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期1478-1486,共9页 SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica
基金 中国科学院“百人计划”项目(07165111ZX) 自然科学基金委项目(30970784) 中芬纳米科技合作项目(2008DFA01510) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2009CB930200) 国家质检总局科研计划(2009IK223)资助
关键词 纳米颗粒 电泳 分离 琼脂糖凝胶电泳 毛细管电泳 nanoparticle electrophoresis separation agarose gel electrophoresis capillary electrophoresis
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