
员工寻求反馈行为研究述评 被引量:5

A Review of Researches on Feedback Seeking Behavior
摘要 员工寻求反馈研究是西方组织行为管理研究领域最为活跃的研究领域之一。20世纪末以来,国内外员工寻求反馈研究取得了进一步的发展。本文从员工寻求反馈行为的影响因素、影响效果及跨文化比较研究等3个方面,对近年来员工寻求反馈行为研究的进展进行了综述。从近期研究成果来看,对员工寻求反馈行为影响因素的研究日益系统和深化,对其影响效果的研究也更加丰富,寻求反馈的跨文化比较研究逐步兴起。文章最后指出了员工寻求反馈研究的未来发展趋势。 The study of feedback-seeking behavior has probably been one of the most active research domains in organizational behavior management studies. Since the late 20th century, researches on feedback seeking behavior have made further development both at home and abroad. This review summarizes the recent progress of the current feedback seeking behavior studies from the three aspects of the influencing factors, influencing effects and cross-cultural comparative studies. It is found that the recent researches on the influencing factors of feedback seeking behavior became increasingly systematic and deepening, the researches on its influencing effects are more abundant, while the cross-cultural comparative studies of feedback seeking are gradually advanced. Lastly, it points out the trend of future development of the researches on feedback seeking behavior.
作者 邢小明
出处 《当代财经》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9期123-128,F0003,共7页 Contemporary Finance and Economics
关键词 寻求反馈 影响因素 影响效果 跨文化 feedback seeking influencing factors influencing effects cross-culture
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