
FDI对东道国内资企业技术进步影响作用的实证研究——基于苏州和宁波的比较 被引量:2

Empirical Analysis on the Influence of FDI to the Technological Progress of the Local Domestic Enterprises——Based on the Contrast Between Suzhou and Ningbo
摘要 本文以Caves(1974)的经典模型为基础构建计量模型,以苏州、宁波两地的工业部门为研究对象,分析检验两地FDI对东道国内资企业技术进步的影响作用。分析结果表明,苏州的FDI对本土的内资企业的技术进步产生了显著的促进作用,而宁波的FDI所产生的作用非常微弱,并没有促进内资企业的生产率的提高。 This paper referred to Caves(1974) of classical model and constructed the theory and measurement model of the FDI technological spillover.This paper did quantitative analysis and empirical test of the FDI technology spillover effect in Suzhou and Ningbo by the use of panel data from the perspective of the industry.Quantitative analysis showed that Suzhou has a positive role in promoting technological progress to local enterprises output growth in recent years;while the FDI introduced in Ningbo had weak effect and did not play an active role in improving the productivity of local enterprises.
作者 张晴
机构地区 浙江万里学院
出处 《企业活力》 2010年第9期58-62,共5页 Enterprise Vitality
关键词 FDI 技术溢出 技术进步 技术吸收能力 实证 FDI technological spillover technological progress technological absorption ability empirical analysis
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