
高频地波雷达单站测量表层海流的原理 被引量:7

Principle of the Extraction of Sea Surface Current by Single Station HF Ground Wave Radar
摘要 运用高频地波雷达测量表层海流矢量,一般均采用双站测量方案,因而,需要大量的人力和昂贵的设备投入。该项研究在分析双站测量原理的基础上,结合海洋学原理和合理的假设,推导并给出了利用单站地波雷达测量表层海流的原理和公式,从而使单站测量表层海流成为可能。可预期该方案虽然在一定程度上,适当降低了空间分辨率,但却可以大幅度降低观测成本,减少人力物力的投入,并显著提高现场观测效率。 When sea surface currents are extracted by using the HF ground radar, generally the double station scheme is adopted for obtaining the vectors of the current, which is complicated and expensive. In this paper, the principle and formulas for the extraction of sea surface currents by single station HF ground radar are presented based on the analysis of the principles of HF radar measurement and oceanography. Therefore, it makes it possible to extract sea surface currents by using a single station HF ground radar, which will reduce the cost of instruments and raise the efficiency of field observations remarkably.
作者 杜勇
机构地区 青岛海洋大学
出处 《青岛海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 1999年第2期187-192,共6页 Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
基金 国家"863"海洋高科技发展计划
关键词 高频地波雷达 雷达单站 表层海流 海流 HF radar radar single station sea surface current
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