A new method for evaluating toxicity of heavy metal pollutants to mallne macroalgae was developed. Accowhng to thes method, macroalgae which lived in heavy metal conednated waters were cultUred in 250ml airtight bottle filled with 0.45μm membrane filtrated seawater for 1 hour, then pH of cultUre medium in light and black bottles were measmed. The value △pH(i)/ △pH(c), and c denote experiment and control samples respechvely) indicates the approximate relative Photosynthehc rate. It can be used to evalat toxicity of heavy metal pollutants to mallne macroalgae. Using mis mcthod, the toxicity of Cd2+ (0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0mg/ L) and Hg2+ (0.0, 0.05, 0.20, 0.50mg/ L) on Ulva pertusa Kjellm were tested and compared with the fesults obtrined from tradihonal method i.e. the dissolved oxygen methed; the results are comparale. It was found tha the 96h threshold concentrahons of Cd+ and Hg2+ on the tOxicity of Ulva pertusa Kjellm are 0.20-1.00mg/ L and 0.05-0.20mg/ L, respechvely. Using this method, the effect of CU2+ and its chelators on Enteromerpha lihza's growth were also studied. The result shows that Cu2+ has a large effect on the growth of Antermorpha linza. The growth is ichbited when the concentrahon of copper ions is higher than 0.20mg/L. The toxicity of copper was changed sighificantly with the existence of EUTA or 8-hydroxy qulnaldine in the culbe medium. The chemical speciation is an important factor affechng toxicity of heavy metals. Due to EDTA inhibits while 8-hydroxy qulnaldine enhances the absothane of copper by Entemerpha linza, so EDTA alleviates the toxicity but 8-hydroxy qulnaldine significanily exacerbares copper toxicity to Antermerpha linza. These resultS are qulte comparable to the results obtained by using weighting method. The aquatic chethestry principle of ffos method was discussed in detail.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica