Addition of creatine kinase denatured by lithium dodecy-lslfate (LDS) to the substrate system, both the confomation and activity of the denatured enzyme were partially restored. In this paper, some factors that may affect the restoration are reported. (1) Extent of restoration of both the conformation and activity of the denatured enzyme depends on the concentration used for denaturation. Restoration of the activity is parallel to that of the conformation. (2) The perferential pH for the restoration of activity is approximately 8.2. (3) The restoration of activity is affected by the presence of other proteins, e.g. the effect of BSA is due to the fact that it may combine with LDS bound to the creatine kinase, cause free enzyme molecules release. (4) Restored activity of denatured enzyme incubated first with only BSA then also with substrates is ten times higher than that of the denatured enzyme a incubated at once with the mixture of BSA aud substrates. This result iudicates that the substrates may bind with the denatured enzyme, and induce changes toward native or nativelike conformatiou.
Enzyme, Creatine kinase, Conformation,Denaturation,Reactivation, LDS