
中国陆地风能资源开发潜力区域分析 被引量:21

An Analysis of utilization potential distribution of wind power in China's Mainland
摘要 本文从风能资源的丰富度、稳定度、人文环境对风能资源开发适宜度和自然环境适宜度等四个方面,分别选取了较有代表性的有效风能密度、风能可用时数、人口密度、森林郁闭度四项量化指标,利用综合指数法对我国陆地10m高度风能资源开发潜力进行了综合评价和分析。结果表明:内蒙古中部和西部、河西走廊、青藏高原中北部、东北平原南部、山东和辽东半岛,以及江苏、浙江、福建和海南的沿海地带,风力资源优越,环境因子限制小,是风能规模开发潜力最高的地区;内蒙古锡林郭勒高原、呼伦贝尔高原、新疆东部和西北克拉玛依地区、东北平原、河北北部和东部沿海(除了最高潜力地区)为次高潜力区;大兴安岭、山东西北部、河南北部、江苏大部、安徽中部、新疆北部和东南部、西藏中西部和云南东部属中级开发潜力区;其它地区因风能资源贫乏或环境因子限制大,风能开发潜力较低。 With rapid population growing and industrial economy development,the world faces dual challenges of massive energy requirement and environmental issues caused by extensive fossil fuel depletion.One of possible measures for addressing such issues is exploitation and utilization of renewable sources of energy,e.g.,solar,wind,biomass,geothermal,combustible ice and ocean tidal energy.Compared to other renewable energy,development of wind power has become a priority all over the globe today due to its mature technology,relatively low cost and few environmental problems.However,analyses of China's wind power potential have rarely considered social or physical factors limiting actual wind utilization.Based on wind speed observations(10 meters above the surface)taken from 387 of China's 752 meteorological stations,and using the American Renewable Resources Laboratory wind energy evaluation methods,the authors analyzed in detail meteorological observations of mean annual wind power density(as the factor of abundance)and mean available time of wind utilization(as the factor of stabilization) from 1995-2004.In the meanwhile,we took the population density and forest canopy density as the social and physical limiting environmental factors of wind power potential.Using ArcGIS techniques and the aforementioned data,the authors made a series of maps of wind power density,available time of wind utilization,population density and forest canopy density distribution in China's Mainland.Furthermore,overlapping analysis was performed to derive more reasonable spatial representation of wind power potential over China's Mainland.It was concluded that the greatest potential is in roughly the mid-western Inner Mongolia,Hexi Corridor,northwestern Qinghai,Shandong and Liaodong Peninsula,foreland of Fujian,Zhejiang,Jiangsu and Hainan,and part of the Northeast Plain,which have great wind power with few limitations.The Xilinguole and Hulunbeier Plateau in Inner Mongolia,Northeast Plain,eastern and northwest Xinjiang show the second largest wind power potential.Areas with great natural wind power but whose wind potential is significantly constrained by large population densities are along the Pacific coast(except the greatest potential areas)and northwestern Shandong.The range of Daxingan and Xiaoxingan in northeastern China are limited most by forested land.The wind power potential in northern Henan,most part of Jiangsu,center Anhui,northern and southeast Xinjiang,western Tibet,and eastern Yunnan either limited by poor wind resources or environmental factors is at an average level.The other areas of China's Mainland have small potential to exploit wind power energy.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期1672-1678,共7页 Resources Science
基金 科技部"十一五"科技支撑计划课题:"综合能源与综合水资源保障风险防范关键技术示范"(批准号:2006BAD20B06-2)
关键词 风能资源 环境因子 开发潜力 中国陆地 Wind power resource Environmental factors Potential of Utilization China's Mainland
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