
视觉表象扫描的概念控制 被引量:2

Conceptual Control of Visual Images Scanning
摘要 将表象扫描和概念提示范式相结合,在三个实验中通过考察概念控制下表象扫描加工中的参照系冲突效应以及概念参照系的优先性,进而揭示表象扫描加工中的自上而下控制机制。结果发现:(1)正立或旋转方位汉字提示下表象扫描加工中出现了参照轴效应,箭头提示下不存在这种效应,表明不同提示引发了不同空间关系计算过程;(2)在表象扫描概念控制过程中,概念参照系、环境(重力)参照系及提示汉字内在参照系同时被激活,它们可能处于不同冲突状态,解决这些冲突具有不同认知代价;(3)在解决不同参照系冲突过程中,反映自上而下加工的概念参照系总能通过抑制其它参照系而取得优先地位,表明人的认知系统能够对表象加工进行自上而下的主动控制,这种主动控制反映了一种执行功能。 Visual images scanning paradigm had been regarded as an effective approach to explore the structural and functional properties of mental imagery. However, the role of reference frames (RF) as well as the control processes in images scanning had not been studied. On the other hand, the mechanism of executive control had been the focus of research in perception and attention, whereas not being investigated in visual images processing. Griffin & Nobre (2003) revealed the similarity between attention to outer space and attention to mental representation. Based on these studies, the purpose of the present study was to explore the mechanism of control process that resolve conflicts among various reference frames in images scanning. Theoretically, the study also aimed at extending Visual Images Processing Subsystems Model established by Kosslyn (1994). Eighty undergraduates, from 17 to 23 years old, attended four experiments respectively. All participants didn't know the purpose of the experiment and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Stimuli were made by using Photoshop 6.0 software. Stimulus presentation and data collection were controlled by a Lenovo microcomputer running E-prime software. The images scanning process cued by arrows or Chinese characters were compared in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, conceptual RF was dissociated from environmental RF in order to see how it interacted with and whether it had priorities over other RFs. A new conflict among various RFs was induced by rotating the Chinese characters' intrinsic RF with conceptual RF and the mechanism of resolving this RF conflict was explored in experiment 3. The results revealed that (1) reference axis effect appeared when cued by Chinese characters, but not when cued by arrows. This suggested that different spatial relationships between cue and target were computed. (2) During the process of conceptual control in visual images scanning, conceptual RF, environmental RF and Chinese characters' intrinsic RF were activated simultaneously, and they conflicted with each other. To deal with these conflicts, different cognitive costs were needed. (3) Conceptual RF always had priority over the other RFs. This suggested that human cognitive system can exert voluntary control on visual images processing. This voluntary control reflected a kind of executive function.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期889-898,共10页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30570602) 陕西师范大学人文社科一般项目资助
关键词 表象扫描 参照系冲突 概念控制 执行控制 visual images scanning conflicting reference frames conceptual control executive control
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