目的:探讨MRI对膝关节韧带损伤的诊断准确率及其对临床治疗的指导意义。方法:90例关节镜及手术患者术前行MRI检查,根据MRI诊断分为1~3级损伤,将MRI诊断结果与关节镜下及手术所见进行对比。结果:根据MRI表现,经关节镜及手术对照诊断准确率分别为CL 93.8%(76/81)、PCL 100%(32/32)、MCL 93.8(61/65)、LCL89.5(17/19),总诊断准确率为94.4%。结论:MRI是诊断膝关节韧带损伤的重要无创性检查方法,提高MRI诊断准确率对筛查韧带损伤及手术治疗有指导性意义。
Objective:To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of MRI on the knee ligament injury and discuss its impact on clinical practice.Methods:90 cases with MRI examination before arthroscopy and surgery,according to MRI diagnosis of injury is divided into 1~3 grade,the results of MRI and arthroscopic diagnosis and surgical findings were compared.Results:The MRI diagnostic accuracy was ACL 93.8%(76/81),PCL 100%(32/32),MCL 93.8(61/65),LCL 89.5(17/19), with a total diagnostic accuracy was 94.4%,according to arthroscopy and surgery.Conclusion:MRI is a well,non-invasive method of assessing knee ligament injury. To improve diagnostic accuracy of MRI is guiding significance for screening and surgical treatment of ligament injury.
Journal of Medical Imaging