目的:探讨EPI-LASIK激光术后皮质类固醇性高眼压的发生率、临床特征及治疗效果。方法:使用美国VISX STAR S4 IR准分子激光系统进行激光治疗,术后滴用0.1%氟米龙眼液4个月,分别于术后1周、1、2、3、6个月、1年观察眼压变化,对于高眼压者给予治疗。结果:本组394例患者中11例发生了皮质类固醇性高眼压;发生率为2.79%。结论:EPI-LASIK术后滴用皮质类固醇眼液可诱发眼压升高。
Objective: To investigate the EPI - LASIK surgery laser corticosteroids steroid-induced ocular hypertension,clinical characteristics and treatment effect. Methods:Use the VISX STAR $4 IR excimer laser system for laser therapy, postoperative drops by 0.1% fluorine meters eyedrops 4 months, respectively for lweek, 1, 2, 3, 6 months, I year for high intraocular pressure changes, intraocular pressure(iop) shall be treated.Results:Among 394 cases occurred 11 cases of corticosteroids steroid-induced ocular hypertension, Incidence 2.79%. Conclusions:The EPI - after LASIK surgery with corticosteroids eye drops may induce elevated iop.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide