Fire Technique and Products Information
1Fred Conforti, Earlier detection with fewer false and nuisance alarms , Fire safety engineering. December 1998, 18- 20
2Fred Cordord, Extensive Beta side testing proves the new harsh enviromnent detector- FILTREX, Fire safety engineefing, August 1999, 28-30
3David S. Bernstein, The end of false alarnm? NFPA Journal, Januay/Febnmry 1998, 47-49.
4Fred Conford, False alarum: The battle isn't over, NFPA Journal, July/August 1999, 87-89.
5Marty Ahrens, Batteries not included, NFPA Journal, May/June 1998, 98- 109.
6Andizw Morgan, Distributing intdligence, Fire safety engineering, February 1998,11-15
7Alisa Wolf, The 10 year battexy, NFPA Journal, January/February 1999, 48-52.
8Letts, J.B. False fire alarms: A partnership approach for resolving probems,AUBE'99 Proceedings, 373-377.
9H. Wang, The application of wavelet neural network in fire detection,AUBE'99Proceedings, 208-212
10Wang s. Biased filter algorithm of multiple sensor signals for automatic fire detection,ABAE'99 Proceedings,347- 353
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2朱伟儒.秦山第二核电厂柴油发电机组定期试验监督[J].核安全,2007,6(2):30-33. 被引量:2
4张进,赵莹芳,刘刚,毛金炼,史凤华.核电站消防系统经验反馈与设计改进[J].给水排水,2016,42(S2):92-93. 被引量:4
5闫尚斌,唐领英.氧化锌避雷器带电检测在状态检修工作中的应用[J].价值工程,2013,32(15):50-51. 被引量:1