
二狼山白绒山羊种质特性与品种资源保护 被引量:2

Breed Characteristic and Resource Protection of Erlangshan White Cashmere Goat
摘要 二狼山白绒山羊品种是在特定的区域、特定的环境下,经过长期选育的地方良种。所产绒具有纤维细长(细度在15μm以下,长度在4.21~5.15cm之间),拉力大(4.2~5.5之间),净绒率高(50%以上)颜色正白等优点。通过品种资源的保护和开发利用,提高个体生产性能,使牧户少养、精养,做到草畜平衡,做大、做强绒山羊产业,充分发挥该品种独具特色的资源优势,是巴彦淖尔市农牧业经济立足现实、放眼世界的战略选择,也是繁荣边疆少数民族地区经济,促进纺织工业发展和社会进步的迫切需要。 Erlangshan Cashmere goats is a local breed by long term selection at the specific area and environment. It produces pure long and thin white color cashmere fiber, the fiber has many advantages.- lower than 15 μm in fineness, 4.21-5.15 cm in length, 4.2-5.5 in flexibility and higher than 50% of pure fiber rate. To protect and utilize the breed resource and improve the individual productivity, thus keep the balance between grass and livestock, bigger and stronger the cashmere goat industry, develop the unique trait of this breed resources, is the challenge for facing the reality and international exposure of Bayannao er agricultural and animal husbandry economy, also is the urgent demands for developing the economy of ethnic minority border areas, improving the development of the textile industry and social progress.
出处 《家畜生态学报》 2010年第4期27-29,56,共4页 Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
关键词 二狼山白绒山羊 品种资源 保护与利用 Erlangshan White Cashmere Goat breed resource protection and utilization
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