目的观察止嗽散加减治疗小儿支原体感染的临床疗效。方法将支原体感染的92例患儿随机分为2组,治疗组62例运用止嗽散辩证加减治疗,对照组30例采用阿奇霉素10 mg/kg.d-1,静脉输注5天后,改用大环内酯类药物口服,疗程均2-3周。结果治疗组总有效率93.6%优于对照组83.3%,但差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);在改善主要症状上治疗组退热时间及咳嗽消失时间都短于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论止嗽散加减治疗小儿支原体感染疗效好,能很快地改善主要症状,缩短疗程。
Objective To investigate the clinical effect of Modified Zhisou Powder in the treatment of mycoplasma infection in young children.Methods 92 young children patients with mycoplasma infections treated in our department from 2005 to 2009 were randomized into the treatment group(n=62) treated with Zhisou Powder with modification in accordance with differentiation,while the other 30 children served as the control group and underwent treatment with intravenous dripping of azithromycin 10 mg/kg·d-1 for 5 days,and then shifted to oral administration of macrolides.Both course of treatment lasted 2 to 3 weeks.Results The total efficacy rate of the treatment group was 93.6%,with better efficacy than the 83.3% of the control group.There were no significant statistical differences between the two groups.As for the experiment group had advantages over the control group in the time of symptom disappearance,i.e.,the antifebrile time and the cough disappearance time of the experiment group were shorter than the control group,with significant differences(P〈0.05).Conclusion Modified Zhisou Powder has good curative effects in the treatment of mycoplasma infection in young children and can timely relieve the main symptoms and reduce the course of treatment.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Xuzhou
Chinese Medicine therapy
Zhisou Powder