

The Figure and Value Oientation of King Man in the Article of King Cabinet Secretariat Made Maidservant Marry Xiutong
摘要 在《警世通言》中收录了一篇名为《金令史美婢酬秀童》的小说,主要描述的是县衙中的胥吏金满谋取管理库房之职务的经过、任职后追赔库银之事。文章将金满任库吏期间库房失窃、拷问秀童、缉捕窃贼这些情节一一铺展开来,以反映明代胥吏的狡猾、大胆、残忍,加深了人们对明代胥吏的认识。另外,金满等人物的言行也折射出明代市民阶层的功利主义价值取向。 The article named as King Cabinet Secretariat Made Maidservant Marry Xiutong included in Ordinary Words to Warn the World,decribles the process of petty official King Man being a Kuli and managing warehouse in the county government,chasing the sliver after his taking over the warehouse.The article centers on the plots,such as the stealing of warehouse,interrogation of Xiutong,catching the thief,and so on.To some extent,it reflects the characteristic of petty official in Ming Dynasty,like slyness,boldness,cruelty,and so on,which even interposed in the selecting of officials,it will help to deepen people's cognition to petty official in Ming Dynasty.Besides,the words and actions of characters,like King Man,also reflect the value orientation to utilitarianism.
作者 栗文杰
出处 《开封大学学报》 2010年第3期33-35,共3页 Journal of Kaifeng University
关键词 明代 胥吏 狡猾 欺瞒 Ming Dynasty petty official slyness pettifoggery
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