

Automatic Identification in Mining
摘要 随着射频识别(RFID)技术的发展,露天及地下采矿设备和作业人员位置和关键数据的监测的可行性研究也取得了进展。本文论述了RFID技术在露天矿设备、装载点和处理设备的跟踪中的应用,特别是在单一及综合的车辆跟踪系统以及矿场标签自动化系统中的应用。最后,探讨了未来采矿采用RFID技术的可行性,包括通过作业人员配备的传感器监测其心跳、呼吸速度、体温和劳累程度,监测重复动作及研究工作习惯,并记录作业区空气质量。 The feasibility of monitoring the locations and vital statistics of equipment and personnel in surface and un-derground mining operations has increased with advancements in radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. ms pa-per addresses the use of RFD technology, which is relatively new to the mining industry, to track surface equipment in mine pits, loading points and processing facilities. Specific applications are discussed, including both simplified and complex truck tracking systems and an automatic pit ticket system. This paper concludes with a discussion of the future possibilities of using RFID technology in mining, including monitoring heart and respiraion rates, body temperatures and exertion levels; moni-toring repeitious movements for the study of work habits; and loogging air quality via personnel sensors.
出处 《世界采矿快报》 1999年第4期30-35,共6页
关键词 采矿 自动识别系统 车辆 采矿设备 跟踪系统 radio frequency identification, monitoring, truck tracking system, automatic identification
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