By using the conventional meteorological data, the physical quantity field data, the satellite image and the data from the Atmospheric Automatic Monitoring Station, this paper diagnoses and analyzes the cause of the rainstorm weather process occurring in Mid-east Shandong on July 23 -24, 2008. According to the analysis, the rainstorm weather process resulted from the common influence of the southwest warm and wet flow on the edge of the subtropical high, the southwest vortex and the ground inverse trough. The subtropical high is critical in the forecast of rainstorm and its intensity influences the falling area of rainstorm. The low-level jet accumulated the unstable energy for the development of the severe convection by transporting vapor continuously to the heavy rain area. The horizontal variation of 850 hPa θse and the energy frontal zone have a close relation with the 6 h precipitation area distribution and the up- per layer plays a bigger role than the lower layer in leading the airflow. Strengthening the analysis of the maintenance and changes of 500 hPa situation field is beneficial to the accurate forecast of the development and changes of the system under the influence of the lower layer. In this process, an obvious feature of mesoscale precipitation existed, and the ground convergence center and the convergence line provided the starting mechanism for the development of the strong precipitation whose center was located near the ground convergence center and the convergence line.
Meteorological and Environmental Sciences
subtropical high
low-level jet
energy front