采用H2O2/HAc协同降解法对壳聚糖进行降解.通过正交实验获得16种水溶性壳聚糖片段,并对降解条件进行研究.以水稻纹枯菌Rhizzctania solaui、小麦赤霉病Fusarium graminearum以及小麦根瘤病Helminthnsporium sativum3种植物常见病原菌作为实验菌种,利用含毒介质法分别测定16种水溶性壳聚糖对上述3种病原菌的抑菌效果.实验结果表明,降解后的片段较未降解前具有较好的抑菌作用;同一片段在高浓度时的抑菌效果高于低浓度;同一降解条件下获得的水溶性壳聚糖片段对不同植物病菌的抑制作用效果不同.
Chitosan was degradate through H2O2/HAc coordinated reaction,and 16 kinds of soluble chitosan fragments were obtained by orthogonal experiments and degradation conditions were studied.Three common phytopathogenic fungi:Rhizzctania solaui,Fusarium graminearum and Helminthnsporium sativum as experimental objects.By using toxic medium method,16 kinds of soluble chitosan fragments act on the three phytopathogenic fungi,respectively.The experimental results showed that the fragments after degradation had better effects than not degradation;the inhibition rates of same fragment at high concentrations were better than those at low concentrations;for different phytopathogenic fungi,there were different effects of soluble chitosan fragments which were obtained with same degradation conditions.
Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology