超细微小粉尘颗粒对人体危害较大,袋式除尘系统因其捕集效率高、处理流量大、性能可靠、不受粉尘比电阻的影响、对气体流量及含尘浓度适应性强等优点,因此,广泛应用于工业含尘废气净化工程中.应用智能油烟烟尘采样仪对气体含尘浓度进行测量,并采用扫描电镜对粉尘颗粒进行理化分析,比较实测玻璃窑炉压力工况和布袋除尘器正常工作的压力环境,通过对袋式除尘系统阻力的理论计算及分析,对除尘系统进行合理设计,有效减小除尘系统阻力.设备投入使用1 a,实际应用中取得了良好的除尘效果.
Ultra-fine tiny dust particles can cause a greator harm to human body,bag dust removal system for its collection efficiency,and the processing large flow,reliable performance,free from dust resistivity influence on the gas flow and dust concentration strong adaptability,etc.,therefore it is widely used in industrial dust-laden waste gas purification project.In this paper,intelligent soot dust sampling instrument was used to measure the gas dust concentration,and the physical and chemical of dust particles was analysised by scanning electron microscopy,by comparing the measured pressure of the glass furnace operating conditions,and bag filter normal working pressure of the environment,through theoretical calculating and analysising the dust bag system resistance,the dust removal system was designed reasonably to effectively reduce its resistance.The equipment has been put into use for one year,the actual application of the equipment has achieved good results.
Journal of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology
glass furnace
bag type dust collector
resistance of the bag type dust collector